Empowering Rickshaw owners in Africa with Sustainable Solutions

Discover how we’re transforming traditional rickshaws into eco-friendly electric vehicles, revolutionizing transportation and energy for a brighter future

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Empowering Rickshaw owners in Africa with Sustainable Solutions

Discover how we’re transforming traditional rickshaws into eco-friendly electric vehicles, revolutionizing transportation and energy for a brighter future

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Cavlom Enterprise is Clean and Affordable Energy Enterprise on a mission to

Redefining Ownership and Self-Empowerment through Resource Utilization

By utilizing existing infrastructure and readily available equipment, we can turn a historical liability into an asset-driven infrastructure, providing value to individual operators and their families.

Our Mission

Converting Rickshaws to Electric,
Powering Homes

We're on a mission to revolutionize transportation and energy in Nigeria.
By converting traditional rickshaws to electric vehicles (EVs), we offer a simple yet powerful solution.

Seamless Conversion

Say goodbye to petrol and hello to electric! Our hassle-free conversion process makes it easy for rickshaw owners to transition to cleaner, more efficient electric vehicles.

Battery Swapping Stations

Forget about charging headaches. With our innovative battery swapping stations, you can swap depleted batteries for fully charged ones in minutes, ensuring uninterrupted operation of your electric rickshaw.

Powering Homes

But wait, there's more! Your electric rickshaw isn't just for transportation—it's also a source of power for your home. Join the movement towards energy independence and sustainability by harnessing the power of your vehicle to light up your home.

We’re trusted by the best

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The future of the emerging communities

To support the growth of low-income communities and accelerate the reduction of poverty levels across emerging communities.


We are creating a single platform that aims to make you as a socially conscious citizen feel empowered and re-ignited.


We bring together people and technology to deliver solutions for social good in emerging markets.


We empower people from emerging markets to access lifesaving products through years of research, insight, and long-term field experience.

Accelerating sustainable infrastructure

To co-creating and accelerating sustainable and accessible infrastructure that helps reduce the poverty levels and improve the quality of life

Spend less, pay smarter

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Easy Checkout

Duis malesuada nibh imperdiet platea fermentum quisque. Tincidunt nulla sed vestibulum sagittis, sit in vel nisi, pretium.

Choose How You Pay

A sodales ac tristique ut. Proin eget nibh scelerisque condimentum vitae sit elit orci, vulputate. Fermentum eget ut quis hendrerit id.

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